
Myths and facts about an unplanned pregnancy

Whether you're married or single, an unplanned pregnancy can cause fear, frustration, and even anger. It strains relationships and finances while changing the course of a woman’s life.  The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says the majority of unintended pregnancies...Continued

What can an ultrasound do for me?

An ultrasound scan can bring about many different feelings based on the situation you’re in. It can bring feelings of joy and excitement, or for someone facing an unplanned pregnancy it could bring about feelings of fear and worry. Regardless...Continued

I Think I Am Pregnant, Now What?

Did you recently discover you’re pregnant? Is this unexpected? You may feel overwhelmed and anxious about this news and unsure of what to do next. Let the PRC walk you through the steps you can take to help you feel...Continued

What Do I Need to Know About Pregnancy Decisions?

It’s normal to feel scared and worried when facing an unexpected pregnancy. However, it’s important to remember those feelings are temporary and there’s help for you during this challenging time. As you decide what’s best for you and your future, you’ll...Continued

My Partner Wants an Abortion

Finding out your partner is pregnant can cause fear and worry, and thinking through the options can be overwhelming. The conversation surrounding abortion is almost exclusively discussed from a women’s point of view, leaving little room for the voice of...Continued

What Is Open Adoption?

If you are experiencing an unexpected pregnancy, you are no doubt wondering what to do next. Your situation is unique to you, and only you know what's best for your future. We want you to know there are options, and...Continued

7 Pregnancy Symptoms

The human body is continuously changing to adapt to our surroundings and circumstances. We get achy joints due to a change in weather, bloating from something we ate last night, headaches caused by stress, and the list goes on.  Our...Continued

Can I Buy Abortion Pills Online?

You may have heard of a telemedicine-style abortion project now active in thirteen states, especially since the coronavirus has limited in-person clinic and doctor visits.  This research study allows women to receive abortion pills through the mail without first having...Continued

Abortion During a Pandemic

COVID-19 Pregnancies and Abortion Even in the best of times an unplanned pregnancy can bring feelings of fear, ambivalence, anxiety, or sometimes sheer panic!  And now, here you are, unexpectedly pregnant during a time of worldwide crisis.  Our hope is...Continued