A woman who is wondering what an ultrasound can do for her

An ultrasound scan can bring about many different feelings based on the situation you’re in. It can bring feelings of joy and excitement, or for someone facing an unplanned pregnancy it could bring about feelings of fear and worry.

Regardless of how you feel, an ultrasound will bring you valuable information you will need to make an informed choice for your pregnancy. 

Here are 3 important things an ultrasound scan can do for you in the midst of an unexpected pregnancy:

1. Identify any dangerous health conditions

Ultrasounds can help identify concerning health conditions, such as an ectopic pregnancy.

An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy in which the tissue is developing and growing outside of the womb, usually in the fallopian tubes. Ectopic pregnancies are nonviable, meaning they do not have a chance of developing and surviving outside of the womb. They can be fatal if left untreated. 

If you’re considering abortion, it’s important to be aware of certain health conditions that could lead to abortion complications.

2. Determine if your pregnancy is viable

As we mentioned, not all pregnancies will be able to make it full-term and survive outside of the womb. While a pregnancy test will be able to identify the presence of  pregnancy hormones, it will not be able to determine if the pregnancy is viable.

The only way to truly confirm a viable pregnancy is through an ultrasound scan. During your scan, your nurse will be able to identify whether or not there is a normal fetal heartbeat and if it has a reasonable chance of survival.

If the nurse identifies a nonviable pregnancy, they will help you understand the next steps you will need to take.

3. Determining the dates of your pregnancy

Whether you are considering abortion, adoption, or parenting, it’s important to know how far along you are in your pregnancy. 

For those considering abortion, the gestational age of your pregnancy will determine which type of abortion you might be eligible for. The abortion pill, for example, is only effective in the first 10 weeks of pregnancy, and surgical abortion procedures will vary depending on the development of the pregnancy.

If you’re planning to carry the pregnancy, this information will help you make appropriate plans and give you a better understanding of what to expect as the pregnancy develops.

Schedule your free ultrasound today!

PRC Grand Rapids exists to help women in the face of unexpected pregnancies. We provide all our services at no cost to you, including free ultrasound scans, pregnancy testing, STD testing and treatment, and more.

Schedule your free appointment today!