
We are sure you already know that friends are critical to have in your life. They can improve your mental and physical health and they are just so fun to have! But sometimes it’s not as easy to make friends as it was when you were in kindergarten and everyone played with everyone else. The goal of this article is to equip you with the tools you need to cultivate long, beneficial, and healthy friendships.
So How Do I Meet People?

The scariest part about meeting new people can be – well – meeting new people. Here are a couple of places to start if you’re looking to meet new friends:

  • Work or school: we will start with the obvious. If you’re there every day interacting with each other, why not ask them to get together outside of class or work? 
  • Community clubs: some neighborhoods or cities offer programs for adults to get together. Whether it is a book club, bird-watching club, scrapbooking club, or wine-tasting club, there are usually a lot of options to choose from. Find one that fits your interests and get involved.
  • Volunteer: volunteering gives you the opportunity to meet new people and get closer to the people in your community. Pick an organization that you like and strike up a conversation with other volunteers.
  • Church: most churches have plenty of programs for people from all walks of life to grow in community together. Look around at the churches in your area and see what’s offered.

Whatever you choose, make sure it is something that you genuinely like to do. This ensures that the people who are around you probably share some interests with you. 

What Are Signs That a Friendship Is Healthy?

Another significant aspect of friendship is ensuring that it is healthy. Only healthy friends build you up and help you out. Here are a couple of questions you can ask yourself to see if your friendships are truly healthy. 

  • Do I want to share things about my life with them, and do I trust them not to share with anyone else?
  • Can I count on them to show up if I need help?
  • Is this someone I am proud to introduce to my other friends and family?
  • Do I feel supported and encouraged by them, or are they tearing me down?
  • Do they answer my texts and follow through with plans that we have made?
  • Am I excited to share the good news with them?
  • Are they putting in equal effort to get together and check in with me?

If you feel like your friendships aren’t healthy for you, you might need to have a conversation with that person. Be honest about where you stand and how you feel. Tell them that you want to work on any issues and move forward. After a while, if the relationship isn’t getting better, it might be best to let it go. Having friends who tear you down is not good for you. 

A good friend is so valuable to have in both good and bad times, but maintaining healthy friendships can sometimes be hard. Try to go out of your comfort zone and meet a new friend, even if you already feel like you have enough friends. You never know who you will meet. 
