
Periods are amazing. Don’t get me wrong, I know that they are painful and annoying and always come at the worst of times (anyone else always get their period during a beach vacation?). But periods happen for a reason, and it’s actually really interesting. And the more we can see the benefits of periods, the easier it will become to navigate them.

Recognizing the Incredible Capabilities of Your Body

Let’s just take a second to talk about how incredible our bodies are! They are perfectly in tune with the surrounding environment, and they adapt according to our needs. The internal clock that tells our bodies when it’s time to undergo menstruation is fascinating just in itself!

Our bodies are nothing short of a miracle, and all contained within ourselves is:

  • An astonishingly complex and versatile reproductive system: Let’s be honest, the female reproductive system is amazing. For us, our part in reproduction doesn’t just stop at conception. Instead, our bodies are completely transformed during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. Women can undergo such a drastic change in such a short amount of time.
  • Hormonal Regulation: Women’s bodies intricately regulate hormones throughout their menstrual cycles, and these hormones play a vital role in every bodily system we have and every bodily function we perform. From influencing our mood and energy levels, to adapting to cyclical changes within our fertility, to affecting our brain functions, our hormone cycle is complex and must be well balanced for us to function. 
  • Adapting cycle: Women have genetically adapted better over time. Scientists think that because the female body is designed in such a way to care for offspring, women have adapted more to changing environments. We have better immune systems, live longer, have a higher pain tolerance, are more likely to survive traumatic bodily injuries, and can even cope better on less sleep. 

Menstruation itself plays a crucial role in your overall health and well-being. Your period serves as a monthly update on the health of your thyroid, hormones, weight, heart and even bones. When your period is regular, it’s a good indicator that things are functioning as they should be.  Menstruation also helps with: 

  • Removing toxins and bacteria from the body
  • Contributing to overall health (not just reproductive, but estrogen and other hormones play important roles in bone, brain, breast, heart and immune health as well!)

So while it can be easy to see your period as an unwanted monthly guest, your period is a need and a method your body uses to continue improving your health month after month.

Understanding What Menstruation Is

Thinking positively about your period really starts with an understanding of what is and what’s happening inside of your body. Perhaps you already have a pretty good understanding of this, but if not, our blog post from last week can help demystify your period: Understanding Your Period.

For generations and even still today, menstruation has been considered dirty and unclean, and women have had to change their routines when their periods come in order to cater to the needs of their society. To step out of a period of shame (no pun intended) we need to break this taboo that periods are “bad”. 

Instead, we should celebrate our bodies and all they do to keep us going – including periods! Thinking positively about your period really starts with an understanding of what is and what’s happening inside of your body.

Normalizing Conversations About Our Periods

If it’s a normal thing that every woman experiences, why are we so afraid to talk about it? When we talk to other women about our experiences, we break down walls and invite vulnerability into our relationships. We can give and get advice, learn what’s normal and what’s a cause for concern, and share embarrassing stories with each other. Remember, every woman has a period, and nearly every woman has an awkward story to go along with it. So if you ever feel embarrassed by a little leakage, don’t worry. You’re in good company.

Understanding your period and the benefits of it doesn’t take the cramps away, but it does give you a good excuse to curl up in bed with some ice cream and watch a movie. 

So here’s to us, ladies, embracing our womanhood, celebrating our bodies, and owning our periods like the amazing women we are. Let’s ditch the stigma and make menstruation not just a monthly inconvenience, but a monthly celebration of everything that makes us uniquely fabulous. ✨

Have More Questions?

PRC Grand Rapids seeks to empower and educate women on their own Health. If you have any questions or want to learn more about your menstrual cycle, check out our blog “Understanding your period”. If your period is late, and you believe you might be pregnant, schedule a free pregnancy test to confirm or rule out pregnancy. 
